As a visual design consultant, I provide support for the conception and development of social media materials and printed campaigns for the Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak Response. I am responsible for creating several campaign materials directed to a
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 As a visual design consultant, I provide support for the conception and development of social media materials and printed campaigns for the Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak Response. I am responsible for creating several campaign materials directed to a

As a visual design consultant, I provide support for the conception and development of social media materials and printed campaigns for the Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak Response. I am responsible for creating several campaign materials directed to a variety of audiences from FAO’s general followers on social media to local farmers in remote areas in Indonesia.

These posters and banners were designed to be disseminated in rural Indonesia with local farmers as the target audience. The readability must be high and the designs must be attractive to the preferences of the audience.

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